Contents For This Section:
- Fire Safety
- Fire Evacuation Procedure
- Good Community Practices
- General Guidelines For Safe And Comfortable Working Environment
- General Guidelines On Pollution And Environment Controls
- General Services
- Telecommunications Facilities
- Letter Boxes
- Utilities
Fire Safety
We recognize the importance of fire safety and would like to seek your co-operation in making the premises a safe place to work in. Protection and prevention is the best defence against the high cost of fire damage and its disruptive effects on businesses.
Please take note of the following statutory guidelines to safeguard your premises and ensure that your operations are fire-safe:
Firefighting Equipment
Equip your premises with the appropriate firefighting equipment. You should also ensure that all fire alarm and extinguishing systems, air conditioning systems, ventilation systems, exit lighting, signs, emergency lighting and other electrical wiring equipment and installations are serviced and maintained regularly to keep them in good working condition.
Fire Alarm & Extinguishers
If the existing fire alarm and extinguishing system in your premises is unsuitable or inadequate for your activities, please carry out the necessary modification works with our prior consent. You may also need to modify your existing system if it does not comply with the requirements of the relevant authorities due to any modification to the premises, for example the installation of false ceilings.
Fire Exits
Under the Fire Safety Act, all emergency exits should be kept unlocked at all times. You are required to install exit lightings and signs at exit passageways and exits of your premises. Emergency lighting should also be installed in your premises.
False Ceiling
For premises with additional false ceilings, you are advised to:
- lower the heat/smoke detectors or install an additional layer of heat / smoke detectors below the false ceiling or;
- install an additional layer of sprinklers if the space between the false ceiling and the concrete ceiling is more than 0.8m.
Keep Common Corridors Clear
Under the Fire Safety Act, you are not allowed to carry out any operations such as packing and unpacking, or storing cargo along the common corridors, which may obstruct accesses, stairways, passageways, and other common areas of the building.
Flammable Matter
As portable petroleum and gas cylinders are highly flammable, they should not be stored in your premises for production work as they endanger lives and property. This also applies to any materials or chemicals of a flammable nature. If you have to use or store them in your premises, please ensure that you comply with the requirements stated in the Fire Safety Act.
Fire Evacuation Procedure

Your property is equipped with a Fire Alarm System and it is remotely monitored on a 24-hour basis.
If the fire alarm is activated, please evacuate to the Assembly Area by using the nearest evacuation route. Please do not take the lifts.
To avoid false alarms, please do not break the “call points” except during an actual fire.
- Please ask for a copy of the Emergency Plan for the building from the Property Management Office if you are not given one.
Good Community Practices
We encourage good community practices within our properties as they benefit all tenants and visitors. These practices are essential in enabling you to maintain good relations with your neighbours. Some examples of good community practices are:
Passenger Lifts
Use the passenger lifts for transportation of passengers only and not for goods or other purposes. Misuse of such communal facilities may cause inconveniences and unnecessary wastage of time for other users.
Avoid using or diverting any gas, electricity, water or other utilities unless these are supplied through separate meters installed by you.
No Obstruction
Please do not obstruct others by placing your goods or any other objects in the car park, driveways, roads, platforms, common corridors, loading and unloading bay. A smooth traffic flow will benefit everyone within the property.
Please do not park indiscriminately and comply with all notices, rules and regulations regarding the use of the car park including the parking or placement of containers, vehicles and trailers. Vehicles which are parked indiscriminately will be wheel clamped and an unclamping fee will be charged for releasing the clamp.
Use of Forklifts
You may use forklifts for your operations but only on the ground floor. You should fulfill all statutory and safety requirements before the forklifts can be operated. Only electric or gasoline operated forklifts are allowed within the designated areas and should only be used for loading and unloading goods. They should not be parked along common passageways when not in use. Forklifts should be parked in designated lots (where applicable).
Fire Fighting
Fire alarms and Fire extinguishing equipment should only be used for firefighting. Please do not misuse such equipment as they are meant for emergencies.
General Guidelines for Safe and Comfortable Working Environment
For all of us to enjoy a safe and comfortable working environment in your property, please follow these guidelines.
Safety & Security
- Switch off all lights and electrical appliances when they are not in use and when you leave the premises.
- Keep stack cargo at least 0.5 metres below the sprinkler heads and not less than 1 metre from the wall.
- Maintain your forklifts regularly to ensure that they are in safe working condition.
- All hoisting works must comply with the Factories Act (Cap. 104, repealed), where applicable, and the WSH Act, all relevant regulations and Authorities’ guidelines and directives. All documentation to certify hoisting works, including insurance policies, risk assessment reports, load calculation (by PE), methods of statements and other necessary documentations are to be submitted and approved by Management Office prior to commencement of such works. The date of commencement shall subject to management’s approval.
- Ensure all forklift drivers are properly trained and licensed.
- Check that all doors are locked before leaving your premises.
- Ensure that the common corridors in front of your premises are not obstructed at all times.
- Ensure fire rated doors are closed at all times.
- Ensure there is no overloading of the electrical supply.
- Engage a licensed electrical worker to install electrical appliances and equipment.
- Any renovation or alterations and additions work, which may affect means of escape / fire safety must be endorsed by a Qualified Person (QP).
- Smoke only at the designated smoking area.
Parking of vehicles & use of loading and unloading bay
- Park only at designated parking lots and not along the driveways.
- Drive your goods vehicles away from the loading bays immediately after the loading and unloading operations.
Housekeeping & Disposal of Waste
- Maintain your leased premises well at all times.
- Please ensure and maintain proper housekeeping in your premises at all times.
- Dispose your unwanted dunnage and pallets at the designated dunnage points. Do not bring in dunnage and pallets from outside.
- Dispose your daily trade wastes such as foams, carton boxes, strapping and plastic items into refuse bins or designated refuse store.
- Arrange to dispose bulky items such as old refrigerators, televisions, machineries, old furniture, etc., at an approved dumping ground.
- Report leaking taps or pipes in the building to the Property Management Office quickly.
Passenger and Cargo Lifts
- Do not use the passenger lifts for delivering goods.
- Do not overload the lifts.
- Do not hog the lifts.
- Do not vandalize the lifts.
- Do not allow forklift to enter into the lift which exceed the lift weight capacity.
- Do not litter and no illegal dumping.
- Do not use water from toilets or fire hose reels to wash your vehicles.
- Do not bring in any heavy industrial cranes into the premises without prior written approval from the Property Management Office.
General Guidelines on Pollution and Environment Controls
Non-Polluting Works
Pollution is disruptive and damaging to businesses and our environment. Please take steps to ensure that all works and installations are compatible with your neighbours and will not pollute the environment.
Discharge of Water
In-line with the Drainage and Sewerage Department’s regulations, please ensure that all water collected in the premises is discharged into public drains and sewers.
You should not discharge any silt, oil, chemicals, debris, etc., into public drains, sewers or watercourses.
Drainage and Sewerage Department
You should obtain the Drainage and Sewerage’s interpretation plans and consult them regarding the existing drainage and sewerage systems when carrying out connection works.
Please do not dispose oil wastes into drains and sewer lines. You should engage NEA -licensed contractors to dispose them.
General Services
Telecommunication Facilities
All our properties are provided with telecommunication facilities, in line with IMDA's Code of Practice for Info-communications Facilities in Buildings.
You will have access to the telecommunication service providers. Please make direct arrangement with your preferred telecommunications company for such supplies and services. Prior notice shall be made 3 days in advance to the Property Management office before any installation of the services or access to MDF Room.
Letter Boxes
You are allocated one letterbox according to your unit. You may apply for another letterbox subject to availability
You can apply to SP Services Ltd or our appointed electricity retailer for the direct supply of electricity to your premises. We reserve the right to arrange with other service providers to provide electricity power supply for the whole building.